Sunday, June 8, 2008

Extract from...."Tales of the missing hockey balls: where did they go?(volume 2)

1. Where is the umph in your hits?

2. One day we are going to run out of balls and we will have to play with stones

3. run 9 laps

4. 1st day: if any of you want to be a good hitter in the team..just tell me i'll give u a ball and u can go one corner and work on it..

2nd day: student," sir, i want to be a good hitter,can lend me a ball?"
mr arul," go find in mother nature"

5. akhilesh," kumarr..can change wooden stick can't hit.."
arul ," what's that? your stick can't hit? gott no difference i tell you i use wooden stick can hit better than you...some more yours composite... as if it makes a difference"
akhilesh," sir mine is wooden!"
arul "don't give me that crap..."
refferee chuckles to himself...

6. "ok the rules fiesta we cannot hit...."
keenan," what!"
arul," you see now his balls drop"
keenan plays around with a match ball...
samuel," sir he's playing with ur balls..."

for more quotes...stay tuned to "tales of the missing hockey balls:where did they go? volume 3..."

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